<1> Enter Base Unit Cost for Cross-
Section. Enter the cost per square foot
for 1/8-inch (3-mm) annealed glass in
column (b) of the cross-section row on
the Initial Cost worksheet (see Appendix
B for all worksheets). Proceed to <2>.
<2> Calculate Cross-Section Cost.
<1> Enter Base
Multiply the cross-section base unit cost
Unit Cost for
in column (b) by the cross-section cost
factor in column (a) of the Initial Cost
worksheet. Enter the product in column
(c) of the cross-section row on the Initial
<2> Calculate
Cost worksheet. Proceed to <3>.
<3> Enter Base Unit Cost for Frame.
Enter the cost per linear foot for a light
(less than 1/4-inch (6-mm) thick),
aluminum frame in column (b) of the
<3> Enter Base
frame row on the Initial Cost worksheet.
Unit Cost for
Proceed to <4>.
<4> Calculate Frame Cost. Multiply the
frame base unit cost in column (b) by
the frame cost factor in column (a) of
the Initial Cost worksheet. Enter the
<4> Calculate
product in column (c) of the frame row
Frame Cost
on the Initial Cost worksheet. Proceed
to <5>.
<5> Sum Component Costs. Add the
cross-section and frame costs to
produce a total component cost. These
<5> Sum
costs are found in column (c) of the
Component Costs
cross-section row and column (c) of the
frame row, respectively. Enter this
value in field (d). Proceed to <6>.
<6> Sum
<6> Sum Component and Installation
Costs. Sum the component and
Component and
Installation Costs
installation costs on the Initial Cost
worksheet. These values are found in
fields (d) and (e), respectively. Enter
this amount in the (f) field. This value is
the estimated initial cost for security
glazing. Return to Figure 34.
Figure 41
Process Chart and Description: Initial Cost Estimate Procedure