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<1> Is the Construction Retrofit? If the
project involves retrofitting an existing
facility with security glazing, go to <2>.
For a new facility, proceed to <3>.
<2> Consider Cost of Hardening Wall? If
the design basis threat includes forced
entry or ballistic tactics, determine if the
<1> Is the
wall needs hardening to provide
protection equivalent to the glazing
system. If wall hardening is warranted,
include the cost in the installation cost
estimate. Proceed to <3>.
<2> Consider
<3> Does the Glazing System Weigh Over
Cost of Hardening
250 lb (110 kg)? For a glazing system
that weighs more than 250 lb. (110 kg),
go to <4>. Otherwise, proceed to <5>.
<4> Include Cost of Special Handling. To
handle the heavy glazing cross-section,
<3> Does the
the installation crew will require an
Glazing System Weigh
additional worker or special handling
Over 250 lb?
equipment. Include this cost in the
installation cost estimate.
<5> Is Frame Cast in Place? The design of
a new facility may allow a glazing sub-
<4> Include Cost
frame to be cast into a concrete wall. If
of Special
this is the case, go to <6>. Otherwise,
proceed to <7>.
<6> Include Cost of Aligning Sub-Frame in
Form. For cast in place, workers must
<5> Is
<7> Include Cost
align a sub-frame in the wall form work.
Frame Cast In
of Preparing Wall
Include this cost in the installation cost
for Anchorage
estimate. Proceed to <9>
<7> Include Cost of Preparing Wall for
Anchorage. Wall preparation covers
<6> Include Cost
<8> Include Cost
drilling holes for anchor bolts. Include
of Aligning
of Aligning and
this cost in the installation cost estimate.
Sub-Frame in
Anchoring Frame
Proceed to <8>.
<8> Include Cost of Aligning and
Anchoring Frame. The frame must be
properly aligned and anchored in a wall
<9> Calculate
opening so as to avoid stressing the
Installation Cost
glazing. Include this cost in the
installation cost estimate. Proceed to
<9> Calculate Installation Cost. Total the
costs associated with installation and
enter the value in field (e) on the
Installation Cost worksheet (see
Appendix B for all worksheets). Return to
Figure 34.
Figure 40
Process Chart and Description:  Installation Cost Estimate Procedure

Western Governors University

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