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<1> Enter Glazing Dimensions. Enter glazing height and width from columns (b) and
(c), respectively, of the Safevue Data Entry worksheet (see Appendixfor all
worksheets).  Proceed to <2>.
<2> Enter Number of Stacked Plates. Enter total number of plates from current
cross-section on the Safevue Analysis worksheet.  Proceed to <3>.
<3> Enter Bite. Enter depth of bite from column (d) of the Safevue Data Entry
worksheet.  For selection application, if column (d) is blank, press the
"Enter" key.  Proceed to <4>.
<4> For Each Plate: For each plate in cross-section, do <5> through <10>.  When
done, return to Figure C-7
<5> Enter Type of Glazing Material. Select letter from displayed list on screen
that corresponds to material listed in column (a) of the Safevue Analysis
worksheet.  For this input, Safevue is case-sensitive.  Proceed to <6>.
<6> Is Material Glass? If material is glass, proceed to <7>.  Otherwise, proceed
to <10>.
<7> Enter Number of Layers in Plate. For laminated glass plates, provide the number
of bonded layers from column (b) of the Safevue Analysis worksheet.  Proceed
to <8>.
<8> Enter Layer Thickness Codes. Safevue displays nominal thickness codes for glass
layers.  Enter a series of codes appropriate for the glass layers listed in
column (b) of the Safevue Analysis worksheet.  Proceed to <9>.
<9> Confirm Thicknesses. Press "Enter" to confirm that the thickness codes were
entered correctly.  Proceed to <4> for next plate.
<10>Enter Total Thickness of Plate. Provide the total thickness of a plate from
column (c) of the Safevue Analysis worksheet.Proceed to <4> for next plate.
Figure C-9
Glazing Data Entry Procedure
Required Information.  The following information is
required for glazing data entry:
a) Worksheets (see Appendix B):
1)  Safevue Data Entry (SDE)
2)  Safevue Analysis (SA)
Explosives Data Entry Procedure.  This procedure
provides structures for entering blast load model, window
coordinates, charge shape, equivalent weight factor, and charge
weight.  A process chart and description of the procedure are
shown in Figure C-10.

Western Governors University

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