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Introduction. Material in this section is taken from
Army TM 5-583-1. Analysts familiar with this document may prefer
to use it to develop security glazing design criteria.
The threat to an asset forms the basis for the design
of its protective system. Threat must be defined in terms that
are meaningful to the designer, i.e., the design parameters of
the aggressor tactics and their associated tools, weapons, and
explosives. To define the threat, the analyst determines the
aggressors likely to threaten the asset and the likelihood that
they will attempt to compromise it. From this information, the
analyst can determine which tactics the aggressors will likely
employ and the threat severity levels associated with those
tactics. The threat severity levels describe the specific tools,
weapons, and explosives associated with each tactic.
Design Basis Threat Procedure. Figure D-9 presents the
procedures required to complete the design basis threat. The
procedures shown and described in Figure D-9 cover identifying
likely aggressors, assessing likelihood of aggression,
identifying applicable tactics and severity levels, and
consolidating tactics into design basis threat.
Required Information. The following information is
required for the design basis threat procedure:
a) List of assets. This information is available from
Figure D-5 and recorded on the Glazing System Design
Criteria Summary worksheet.
b) Worksheets (see Appendix B):
1) None