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<1> Is Asset Primary? If asset being evaluated is a primary
asset, proceed to <2>, otherwise, for a secondary asset,
proceed to <3>.
<2> Identify Likely Aggressors for Primary Asset. Indicate
on the AVAL worksheet (see Appendix B for all worksheets)
which aggressor types are identified in Figure D-11 for an
asset category by placing an "X" in the spaces adjacent to
<1> Is
each of the applicable aggressor types. Return to Figure D-
Asset Primary?
<3> Identify Likely Aggressors for Secondary Asset. For
secondary assets, use only the aggressor types indicated
<3> Identify Likely
<2> Identify Likely
which are common to both the asset categories for the
Aggressors for
Aggressors for
secondary asset and the primary asset it supports. This
Secondary Asset
Primary Asset
ensures that aggressors who are indicated for the asset
category corresponding to the secondary asset, but not for
the primary asset, are not considered. Place an "X" in the
spaces adjacent to each applicable aggressor type on the
AVAL worksheet. Return to Figure D-9.
Figure D-10
Process Chart and Description:
Identification of Likely Aggressors Procedure
Identify Likely Aggressor.  Figure D-11 indicates which
of the ten aggressor types defined in Section 3, Aggressor
Threats and Tactics, are likely to attempt to compromise assets
in each of the 14 established categories.  The aggressor
selections in Figure D-11 were made based on historical study of
the common goals and characteristics of the aggressor types.
These represent potential aggressors.  Further evaluation
relative to the locality of the asset is required to make a final
Aggressor types for secondary assets are limited to
those which are common to both the asset categories for the
secondary asset and the primary asset it supports.  If aggressors
are not interested in the primary asset, it is unlikely that they
will attack the secondary assets which support it.  For example,
consider communications equipment (in asset category C) to be a
primary asset and the power distribution system (in asset
category L) to be its supporting secondary asset.  Figure D-11
indicates that three types of criminals and saboteurs apply to
the communications equipment and that vandals, extremist
protesters, terrorists, and saboteurs apply to the power system.
The only applicable aggressor for the secondary asset is the one
the primary and secondary assets have in common:  saboteurs.

Western Governors University

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