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Asset Profile. This factor addresses the aggressors'
likely awareness of the asset's existence and its visibility to
them in terms of their perception of its importance or value (see
Table D-14). Aggressors may be less likely to attempt to
compromise assets about which they know very little.
Table D-14
Asset Profile
Level of Visibility
Rating Factor
Asset has very low visibility. Aggressor is
probably not aware of its existence.
Asset has low visibility. Existence of
asset is probably not well known to
Asset has medium visibility. Existence of
asset is probably known to aggressor.
Asset has high visibility. Existence of
asset probably well known to aggressor.
Asset has very high visibility. Existence
of asset is obvious to aggressor.
Asset Usefulness to Aggressor. This factor assesses
the usefulness of the asset to potential aggressors. Depending
on the asset category and the aggressor's likely goals toward the
asset, usefulness is measured based on the asset's cash value,
its direct applicability to the aggressor's goals, or its
publicity value.
D- Usefulness for Assets with Cash Value. Figure D-13
evaluates asset usefulness where aggressors are most likely to
attempt to compromise the asset because of its potential monetary
value to them. Note that the numerical values differ for
different aggressor types. This accounts for the fact that more
sophisticated aggressors are not likely to be interested in lower
value assets. The values also reflect the fact that
unsophisticated criminals are less likely to target higher value
assets due to the difficulty in disposing of them. Use the
ranges of monetary values associated with individual assets or
asset inventories as appropriate and as used previously in
determining the asset's relative value using Figure D-13.