<1> For Each Likely Aggressor. For the asset under consideration,
do steps <2> through <11> for each aggressor identified on the
AVAL worksheet (see Appendix B for all worksheets). When
done, return to Figure D-9.
<2> Determine Asset Profile. Evaluate this factor using Table D-14
<1> For Each
for the potential aggressor. Record the numerical value in the
Likely Aggressor
asset profile column of the AVAL worksheet. Proceed to <3>.
<3> Determine Asset Usefulness to Aggressor. Select the
applicable usefulness of asset factor table using Table D-15.
From the applicable table, evaluate the factor for the potential
<2> Determine
aggressor and record the numerical value in the usefulness
Asset Profile
column of the AVAL worksheet. Proceed to <4>.
<4> Determine Asset Availability. Evaluate this factor using Table
<3> Determine
D-18 for the potential aggressor. Record the numerical value in
Asset Usefulness
the asset availability column of the AVAL worksheet. Proceed to
to Aggressor
<5> Evaluate Local Incidents in the Past. Evaluate this factor
using Table D-19 for the potential aggressor. Record the
<4> Determine
numerical value in the local incidents column of the AVAL
Asset Availability
worksheet. Proceed to <6>.
<6> Evaluate Nearby Incidents in the Past. Evaluate this factor
<5> Evaluate
using Table D-20 for the potential aggressor. Record the
Local Incidents in
numerical value in the nearby incidents column of the AVAL
the Past
worksheet. Proceed to <7>.
<7> Determine Potential for Future Incidents. Evaluate this factor
<6> Evaluate
using Table D-21 for the potential aggressor. Record the
Nearby Incidents
numerical value in the potential incidents column of the AVAL
in the Past
worksheet. Proceed to <8>.
<8> Determine Asset Accessibility. Select the applicable asset
<7> Determine
accessibility factor table using Table D-22. From the applicable
Potential for
table, evaluate the factor for the potential aggressor and record
Future Incidents
the numerical value in the accessibility column of the AVAL
worksheet. Proceed to <9>.
<9> Evaluate Effectiveness of Law Enforcement. Evaluate this
<8> Determine
factor using
<10> Table D-27 for the potential aggressor. Record the numerical
value in the law enforcement effectiveness column of the AVAL
<9> Evaluate
worksheet. Proceed to <10>.
Effectiveness of
<11> Evaluate Deterrence. Evaluate this factor using Table D-28 for
Law Enforcement
the potential aggressor. Record the numerical value in the
deterrence column of the AVAL worksheet. Proceed to <11>.
<12> Compute Likelihood Rating. Sum the numerical values
<10> Evaluate
associated with the nine applicable likelihood rating factors and
compare them to the ranges of sums in Table D-29 to select a
likelihood rating. Enter the sums of the likelihood rating factors
and the applicable likelihood rating in the spaces provided on the
<11> Compute
AVAL worksheet. Aggressors whose likelihood rating is very low
Likelihood Rating
do not pose a significant threat and should receive no further
consideration. Proceed to <1> for next potential aggressor.
Figure D-12
Process Chart: Likelihood of Aggression