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Operation and Training Facilities
C. Rather simple facilities such as BEQ, BOQ, Chapels, Admin Facilities,
Warehouses and Community Facilities usually require a Type C OMSI.
Depending on the complexity of a particular system, even a simple facility
such as a Child Care Center could need a Type A OMSI to provide an OMSI Operation
and Maintenance Manual for that system; e.g., Variable Air Volume (VAV) or Thermal
Storage System. A project such as a hospital, however, would typically cover fifteen or
more systems in the manual.
Successful A&E preparation of an excellent quality OMSI manual requires
that the specification include NFGS 01730, "Operation and Maintenance Data", and that
it be properly referenced in the technical sections to specify "Data Packages" to be
submitted by the construction contractor. The A&E preparing the OMSI manuals uses
this data to develop comprehensive coverage of a system based on the as-built products
in this facility.
Three sets of all approved submittals (except samples) must be retained by
the A&E for preparation of the OMSI manuals.
LANTNAVFACENGCOM PM will advise the A&E of the type of OMSI
needed for each project. However, A&E recommendations are solicited on changes to
the OMSI type based on complexity of systems as design develops. Specific scopes of
work for each OMSI manual are provided in Appendix A.
At the Government's option, the A&E's corrosion engineer may be required to
act as the Government corrosion engineer in final inspection, testing and acceptance of
the cathodic protection systems installed by the construction contract for the ROICC.
Responsibility may include:
On-site consultation with the ROICC on the critical stages of construction.
B  Review of Construction Contractor's corrosion engineer cathodic
protection system start-up survey report.

Western Governors University

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