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![]() Parametric Cost Estimate (PCE): The budget cost estimate derived through parametrics, which is the further
development of the 1391Plus. PCE uses parametric unit costs for types of construction and quality of materials.
It is based on DOD Guidance Unit Cost (DOD GUC). It also contains reports that verify final scope definitions.
Project Specifications: The complete construction specifications for a specific project, prepared in conjunction
with the project drawings. The project specifications, along with the final drawings, comprise the Construction
Contract Documents used for bidding and construction.
Public Works Officer (PWO): The authorized representative of the Activity, who is responsible for land and
the facilities.
Record Drawings: Drawings showing the actual as-built conditions of constructed facilities.
Reference Documents, Standards and Specifications: Those industry and government documents, standards
and specifications referenced within the project specifications.
Resident Officer in Charge of Construction (ROICC): The on-site field representative of EFA CHES,
responsible for the administration and inspection of construction contracts.
SPECSINTACT: A computer-based construction specification writing and processing system in a software
program, which allows access to Government guide specifications on the CCB (NAVFAC, COE and NASA) in
order for the A/E to assemble and edit a specification tailored to the precise requirements of a specific project.
Success Estimating and Cost Management System: An advanced engineering cost estimating system
available on CCB.
Sustainable Design: A process of design that produces a facility that embodies the principles of conserving
energy, minimizing adverse impact on the environment resulting from a construction activity or from future
operations and enhances the quality of life and productivity of the occupants in the building. See Section 2.14
for a detailed discussion.
Value Engineering (VE) and Value Engineering Team Study (VETS): A function oriented, systematic team
approach to identify and eliminate or prevent unnecessary cost while maintaining appropriate, or achieving better,
functional performance, reliability, maintainability and safety.
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