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Cover sheet of original tracings
QA/QC documentation
100% Storm Water Management and Erosion/Sediment Control submissions
3.8.4 Final Design/Build/Bridging Submission
A submission of the D/B/B documents and cost estimate that is reviewed and coordinated and is ready for
advertising and bidding. This submission should contain all the requirements of Section 3.7 "Final Submission"
and the following: Contents
Project Drawings
Project Specifications
Cost Estimate using Success. Refer to Section 6, "Cost Estimates"
SPECSINTACT submittal status register
Final architectural finish boards
Cover sheet of original tracings
QA/QC documentation
Final Storm Water Management and Erosion/Sediment Control
Bid Schedule
HVAC System Study
This study is an investigation of appropriate HVAC System alternatives and energy conservation measures to
determine what system(s) will be used in the building/facility design. The goal is to provide mechanical systems
that best satisfy the functional requirements of the facility and meet the budgetary constraints of the project.
Functional requirements include, but are not limited to, delivery of appropriate indoor conditions, satisfying
energy regulations, having an appropriate degree of maintainability and reliability, having compatibility with the
architecture and finishes of the building and incorporate sustainable design concepts as appropriate. The
Government prefers systems that are the least complex. Final selection of the mechanical system often involves
consideration of subjective or intangible concerns. Therefore, the Government and Activity must be involved in
the system selection process.
The study methodology shall be by Quantitative Analysis or Qualitative Analysis, as indicated in the scope of
work. Before starting the analysis, the A/E shall submit the proposed mechanical/HVAC systems and energy
conservation measures to be studied to the Government. Use the form in Appendix V or a similarly formatted
document to transmit the proposed alternatives to EFACHES and the Activity, for approval.
The study deliverable shall include an executive summary and all backup information. The study shall be
organized to clearly show the results of the analysis, how the system(s) selected meet the functional requirements
of the building, and the backup information that supports the report. If a Life Cycle Cost analysis is performed;
provide tables and data to show the present value of each of the alternatives studied including the present value
of each of the life cycle cost components (first cost, operating cost, maintenance cost, replacement cost, etc.).

Western Governors University

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