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![]() savings of modified VESPs; and a listing of all accepted VESPs. The Final Resolution Report
shall be based on consensus of the design team and the user following an "on-board" final
acceptance review of the A/E's recommendations. The Resolution Report is separate from and in
addition to the VE Study Report prepared by the VE team.
Value Engineering (VE) A/E Coordinating Services
For VETS conducted by an independent VE firm, the design A/E shall provide the following materials and
services as appropriate:
Latest project form DD1391 (or other project description).
Seven sets each of half-size design drawings, cost estimates, and Basis of Design Report.
Two copies of geotechnical reports, structural and HVAC calculations, economic analysis, energy
conservation study, fire protection analysis, soil reports, hazardous material surveys, photographs,
and any other pertinent reports and studies.
Provide a kick-off presentation at the beginning of the study to describe the current design
solution and be available by telephone during the VE study to provide input and to answer
Attend the presentation and resolution meetings. The A/E shall provide written
responses to
each Value Engineering Study Proposal (VESP) to the VE Team.
Resolution Report: Within two weeks after conclusion of the VETS, the design team shall
prepare, and distribute to all persons attending the study a resolution report. Include in the report
the cost estimating summary sheet, and a listing and summary of final actions on each Value
Engineering Study Proposals (VESP): Line item description and potential savings; description
and potential savings of modified VESPs, and a listing of all accepted VESPs. The Resolution
Report is separate of and in addition to the VE Study Report prepared by the VE team and
required under Section 3.20.1 Item H above.
3.21 Erosion/Sediment Control and NPDES Permitting
The A/E shall prepare erosion/sediment control documents for review and approval. When the
area of site disturbance is five acres or more, the A/E shall prepare the project design documents,
incorporating all necessary design elements to comply with Federal and/or State National
Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) general permit requirements for construction
A draft erosion/sediment control submission, as complete as possible in format and substance,
shall be included in the 35% submission. This submission will include a thorough site description
(including the general topographic character of the site, the existing land cover and its condition
and proximity to nearby wetlands, streams, creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, etc.), sketches showing
existing and proposed drainage divides, and a preliminary erosion/sediment control plan, with
sufficient detail to assess the designer's intent.
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