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![]() to federal contracts to acquire construction products for the construction
of facilities outside the U.S. and its territories. Metric block (190 x
190 x 390 mm, etc.) and metric recessed lighting fixtures (600 x 1200 mm,
etc.) should not be mandated as the only solution in our drawings and
specifications unless they are clearly shown to be the most cost effective
product options and their use has been approved by the Secretary of Defense
b. During the transition period, projects designed to allow both I-P
and metric concrete masonry block (a contractor choice) and recessed
lighting fixtures (a contractor choice) do not require SECDEF approval.
For metric guidance, refer to PACNAVFACENGCOM "Metric Guide for Contract
Document Preparation" and the designated branch metric person at the
beginning of the project for specific requirements on architectural, civil,
electrical, fire protection, mechanical, structural, specifications and
cost, etc. Copies of the "PACNAVFACENGCOM Metric Program Metric Guide for
Contract Document Preparation" may be obtained from PACNAVFACENGCOM Code
1.15 SPECIALIZED CUSTOMER COORDINATION: Some Navy and DOD customers have
their own staff consultants to provide technical guidance on special user
criteria and operational requirements. These consultants are architects or
engineers who maintain the current criteria of their facilities and usually
have specific project requirements to be satisfied. Coordination and
partnering with the respective offices for the following types of
facilities shall be done as early as possible, but no later than the
beginning of the FACD/PE phase. Confirm specialized customer coordination
requirements with your PDE. Following is a standard listing and may not
include your special project requirements.
1.15.1 FOSSAC on Supply and Warehouse Facilities: FOSSAC serves as the
Navy's cognizant office for technical matters regarding supply facilities
as well as material handling and storage systems and related equipment.
FOSSAC Code 062, (804) 444-4370.
1.15.2 BUPERS on Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) Facilities: BUPERS
is the Program Manager for MWR facilities and operations. Design of all
MCON/BRACON-funded MWR facilities must be coordinated with BUPERS. BUPERS
can provide standard modular designs for many MWR facilities and
operational requirements and user criteria. BUPERS Code PERS 656D, (901)
874-6661 (Memphis, TN).
1.15.3 Navy Food Service Systems Office (NAVFSSO) on Dining Facilities:
NAVFSSO is the Navy's technical expert on enlisted dining facility
operations. NAVFSSO Code E2, (202) 433-0713.
1.15.4 MFDO on Medical Facilities Design: NAVFAC Medical Facilities
Design Office (MFDO) is the Navy's technical expert and coordinator for all
hospital, clinics, and medical facilities projects. NAVFAC MFDO also
coordinates all Navy medical project designs with the Navy Bureau of
Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) and the Department of Defense Medical
Facilities Design Office (DMFO) in Washington, D.C. NAVFAC MFDO Director
Mr. Richard Franklin (202) 685-3254 (Washington Navy Yard).
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