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![]() (6) EBS submittals. Submit two EBS CD-ROMs one week after the Final
submittal has been approved by PACNAVFACENGCOM.
(7) Amendments to the solicitation. Submit all amendments in Adobe
Acrobat PDF. For amendments with electronic digital data or sets of files
less than or equal to three (3) megabytes, the electronic digital data and
files may be provided on 3 1/2-inch high-density floppy disks, zip media,
or on CD-ROM in the International Standards Organization (ISO)-9660 format.
For amendments with electronic digital files or sets of files larger than
three (3) megabytes, provide the electronic digital data and files on zip
media or CD-ROM in the International Standards Organization (ISO)-9660
format. Provide all files uncompressed.
3.1.10 List of Construction Contractor Submittals: Provide a list of the
shop drawings, brochures, samples, and other items which are listed in the
project specifications for submittal by the construction contractor with
recommendations as to which items should be reviewed by the QC
representative (if a QC project), the A-E, and the Government.
Submittal List in Project Specification:
a. Construction Quality Control Project. Identify either Government
Approved or Contractor Approved only (Appendix J).
b. Government Approved: Administrative items and items which require
user review or selection, such as door keying schedules, color samples,
carpet, wall paper, etc. Also, items that are of significant cost,
extremely critical or complex, or are considered an extension of the
design, should normally be indicated for approval by the Government.
Includes items where the approver would require a knowledge of the design
assumptions and calculations. Only a minor percentage of the overall
number of submittals should fall in this category.
c. Contractor Approval: All other items not identified as Government
approved above. NAVFAC Specification Section 01450, "Quality Control"
provides guidance on additional Contractor submittal reviewers, other than
the QC Manager. Fire protection submittals require approval by a U.S.
Registered Fire Protection Engineer. Coordinate the requirements of the
Quality Control Manager's qualifications, duties and staff with
PACNAVFACENGCOM CAP05 because this will influence what qualifications would
be required of additional Quality Control staff besides the Fire Protection
Engineer. Generally, most of the submittals would be reviewed by the
Contractor's Quality Control staff.
Submittal List for PCAS:
a. Construction Quality Control Projects. The same list as paragraph should be used except additional items recommended for A-E review
will be identified. This listing is subject to review and approval by the
PDE. A-E will generally review items to assist the Government in Quality
Assurance. The Government provides the "official" approval of these A-E
reviewed items that are of significant cost, extremely critical or complex
and included in the critical items list. Include items that would require
a knowledge of the design assumptions and calculations. Only a minor
percentage of the overall number of submittals should fall in this
category. (Appendix J except modified to indicate which items are to be
reviewed by A-E.)
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