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![]() a. One complete unbound specification manuscript on 20 pound (9-10kg) paper,
single spaced, and printed on one side only. Pages with rough edges are not
acceptable. Include the required blank forms in the final package for sections
01330 and 01450.
b. Provide quantity of Bound hard copies as required by the Scope of Work.
c. Final specifications on magnetic media consisting of the edited job "Pull Files"
on disks of the SPECSINTACT job file using the SGML/SPECSINTACT system.
d. Final copies of the Submittal Register and Test Report.
e. The cover sheet shall be stamped by a licensed member of the firm to which the
Government awarded the design contract.
Design-Build projects require specifications at two different levels. The technical portion of
the RFP (provided by the Government) includes Performance Specifications to describe
facility requirements to prospective proposers. Upon award of a contract, the Contractors'
A-E is required to provide Proprietary Specifications to identify the actual products and
systems to be used to satisfy the RFP and to confirm the quality level proposed by the
Contractor upon which the award was made.
8.15.1 Performance Specifications
Performance specifications shall describe the performance of a facility to meet the needs
of the user (in terms as general as possible) to offer the Design-Builder the maximum
latitude in providing the best value to the Government. Depending upon the nature and
magnitude of the project and the project delivery method, performance specifications may
take several forms including:
a. Specintact; for large, complex projects.
b. PerSpective: A new performance specification based on Uniformat,
developed jointly by CSI and DBIA (Design-Build Institute of America) and
available through CSI. Contact Code 4CN.CD for further information.
c. Shortform Performace Specifications for small projects: Format available
From Code 4CN.CD.
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