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Accessible toilets on the ground floor for visitors
Accessible entrances
Other items that do not add significant expense to the project
Functional Analysis Concept Design (FACD)
The design of the hangar can be enhanced by the incorporation of a FACD into the design
process of hangars. The FACD brings all of the design team (Design Agent, Activity, Owners,
A/E) and other interested parties to deal with the project and allow for participation in the design
process. The process generally takes place over a 10 day period and results in the conceptual
design of the project being approved by all of the participants of the FACD.
Design Issues
A list of issues is attached as a part of the handbook to provide assistance to the A/E and the
Activity in the design of the hangar.
The operations of the base should have some impact on the type of construction used. Generally,
hangars constructed around a jet operations base are going to have much higher noise thresholds
than a base where mostly helicopters and propeller driven aircraft are operated. The selection of
the materials used in the exterior envelope may be determined due to the noise levels at the base.
The selection of more heavy materials that would be helpful in reducing noise transmission into
the building will impact the cost of the facility. The designer should consider performing and
acoustical study to evaluate the construction requirements that will be appropriate for the base.