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Insulated metal wall panels field assembled, metal furring on masonry with semi-rigid friction
fit fiberglass insulation. Additionally, factory foamed panels will be provided in limited areas to
provide visual continuity to the adjacent buildings.
AMMA HC60: Windows will be fixed and operable type, thermally broken prefinished
aluminum with tinted, low e glass. Windows will include 25 mm minimum insulated glazing to
provide more favorable sound transfer coefficient. Glazing will be laminated type.
Miscellaneous Items
Ladders will be provided from rooftop of O2 area to hangar roof.
Walls and Partitions
Second floor partitions will be gypsum wallboard on metal studs, typical. Partitions will be
insulated for acoustical control as needed.
Partitions will be fire rated as required. Partitions will extend to roof deck, typical.
Partitions around "secure offices" and SCIFs shall be in accordance with the requirements for
those types of spaces.
Stairs will be constructed of steel with concrete filled treads. Handrails and guardrails will be
steel tubing.
Doors & Frames
Doors will be solid core wood with metal frames on the O2 level. Doors will be oak or birch
with a natural finish. Doors for fire doors will be rated as required.
Hardware will be appropriate for the spaces served. Special hardware will include:
Cipher locks on some spaces where security is required Cipher locks may be provided on
the following spaces as required by the activity:
CO office