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![]() 11. PROGRAMMING WORK. Work programming is the control of engineering,
planning and estimating work; work authorization, and work performance either
by the shops or by contract. Work programming procedures are provided on the
Work Input Control Charts as described in paragraphs 19, 20, and 21.
12. DETERMINING TYPE OF PERFORMANCE. The Facilities Management Engineering
Division Director should determine or recommend whether the entire job, or
parts of the job, should be done by shop forces, by others, or by contract.
This determination is based on the workload of the Work Centers affected, the
urgency of the work, the capabilities of the shops to do the proposed work,
and whether the function has been contracted under the procedures of the CA
Program. The decision to have the work accomplished by shop forces, contract,
or both, influences the nature of the cost estimate or even whether one is
required, and the authorizing documents.
13. TIMING. Job order issuance may be deferred because of budget
considerations, more favorable seasons or weather, and/or Work Center
capability. Maintenance of equipment and facilities during idle or off-peak
seasons is another aspect of job planning. In view of known backlog
situations, it may be decided to hold the job orders and not issue them
immediately. This precaution assists in providing uniform work center
workload. Prior to final job order approval and subsequent release to the
shops for accomplishment, the entire backlog of unreleased job orders should
be reviewed to determine if any take precedence over those currently being
programmed for accomplishment.
14. PRIORITIES. Priority assignments are essential in determining the
importance of each job in relation to other identified requirements.
Personnel and funding limitations may not permit the accomplishment of all
necessary and desired work immediately upon its identification. The use of a
priority classification system will assist in optimum resource utilization.
The assignment of a priority designator using a system such as that described
below will provide a sufficient definition of the relative importance of each
job for Public Works Department planning purposes.
The FME Division Director will assign a priority to each preliminary
estimate approved. The priority assigned will be a major factor in
determining when the job is selected for final estimating. After the final
estimate has been made, the priority will affect the placement of the job in
the schedule. The importance of various functions and types of work may be
expressed by the assignment of priorities in a priority matrix. After initial
use of the priority matrix, the results should be reviewed periodically and
revised as necessary. Although the priority assigned to an individual job may
be changed at any time, the FME Division Director must recognize the affect of
these changes on shop scheduling and keep priority changes to a minimum. A
Priority matrix that allows classification of all work into one of four types
based on the major work content and justification is listed below:
Safety. Work identified primarily for safety reasons.
Function. Work primarily identified with the activity's mission.
Preventive. Work primarily required to prevent significant
of plant or equipment owing to continued use or from natural
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