d. Appearance. Work primarily for preserving or upgrading the
appearance of a facility.
Each of these work classifications will have three levels of importance;
high, routine, or low. The importance level of an individual job is based on
its impact in relation to other jobs in the same classification and is a
subjective determination.
Effect of Priority on Scheduling. In general, jobs with highest priority
(lowest number) will precede others of lower priority on the -schedule. The
same priority system will be used on Minor Work Authorization in a manner
similar to that indicated for Specific Job Orders. Figure 7-3 is a sample
priority matrix. Each public works organization should make adjustments to
suit its situation.
Priority 1. Priority 1 is reserved for use with specific approval of the
Public Works Officer or Assistant Public Works Officer. This priority is an
overriding requirement that will insert final estimated work into the schedule
in any week by date specified.
15. RESOURCES AVAILABILITY. The resources available to accomplish work vary
with each activity. In addition to the Public Works Shops, support usually is
available from contractors, from other departments, other activities, and in
some instances, military construction forces not directly assigned to the
Public Works Department. Some jobs may require special skills or equipment
not available to the Public Works Department; may be accomplished by contract
because of prior commitments of station forces, or because it is more
economical. Some jobs may occur too infrequently to make Public Works
Department staffing practical. This subject is covered in Chapter 3.
16. PLANNED RELEASE DATE. Management must exercise judgment in releasing
jobs for accomplishment. If a desired starting or completion date for a
contract has been established, management must consider the time necessary to
advertise for bids, award, and the lead-time for the contractor to mobilize.
In the case of work to be accomplished by station forces, the release date of
the job order to the shops is equally important. The decision must consider
the lead-time necessary to obtain materials, the workload in all work centers
involved, the seasonal characteristics of the work, and forces previously
committed by scheduling or programming, etc. Only jobs programmed on the
short-range shopload plan should normally be released to the shops for
accomplishment. Emergency, urgent, and jobs requiring long lead-time for the
material purchase are exceptions when the material is ordered in the shops.
Overloading the shops results in wasted effort in preparing and revising
schedules as jobs already scheduled, or even underway, may require
rescheduling to permit accomplishment of a more important job. Overloading
the shop negates the management decisions made during the short- and
long-range shoploading process.
17. WORK INPUT CONTROL CODES. For the purpose of Work Input Control, three
codes have been established for use in conjunction with the charts. These are
Level of Maintenance Classification, Functional Activity, and Method of
Accomplishment Codes. These codes help management determine actions required
in work accomplishment.