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1.  INITIAL BASIS FOR PLANNING.  The planners and estimators (P&Es) hold a key
position in the facilities management system.  Their function is to
technically plan jobs and estimate the cost and hours required for the job's
Their estimates are the basis upon which management plans,
schedules, and subsequently evaluates labor hour performance and costs.  To a
great extent, the judgment and technical experience of the P&E can be measured
by the job plan.  Jobs usually comprise several phases, and each phase may
have several tasks.  By listing the phases and tasks in their proper sequence,
the following benefits may be derived:
Phases and important tasks of the job are less likely to be omitted.
b.  Interrelated interests of work center supervisors and Branch Managers
for each job are demonstrated.
c.  The Shop Planning and Scheduling function is assisted in attaining
better timing and coordination.
d.  Shop planners and others concerned with material coordination are able
to decide more readily the point at which material availability will permit
scheduling a job.
2.  PLANNING THE JOB.  The job should specify the work to be done, material
and equipment needed, how work should be phased, what crafts will do the work,
or identification of contractor requirements.  This means that complete
specifications will be provided, the several phases that make up the job will
be described, and the applicable work centers will be indicated. Clarity,
correctness, and completeness of the job plan are important to assure there is
accurate estimating, effective material coordination, and realistic shop
3.  SPECIFICATIONS  ADEQUACY.  Adequate specifications are an important part of
every job order.  The adequacy test is the degree of reliance that can be
placed on the specifications to justify ordering materials, obtaining the
necessary tools and special equipment or personnel, scheduling the work, and
sending personnel to perform the work without prior visiting the jobsite by
the various work center supervisors concerned.
4.  TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE.  P&Es should not hesitate to seek technical
assistance in preparing necessary specifications.  This may include on-site
inspections, consultation with Maintenance Division personnel, or, in the case
of difficult technical problems, the advice and engineering assistance of the
geographic EFD.  Wherever necessary, sketches or drawings should be furnished
describing sizes, dimensions, or other pertinent technical characteristics.
5.  COMBINED MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS.  Grouping material requirements can be of
assistance to the P&E in estimating jobs.  This technique is based on
assembling detailed material estimates into related in-place items.  As an
example, rather than listing and pricing separately the quantities of felt,
nails, asphalt, and gravel needed to install a three-ply built-up roof, the
P&E will use in-place descriptions.  This will provide a material cost per

Western Governors University

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