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![]() square of all materials in place. This description and the cost figures,
corrected for price changes, can be used for estimating similar jobs at a
later date.
MATERIALS. Selection of appropriate materials may be based on
information contained in maintenance and operations technical publications (MO
Series 100 thru 312), activity policy, facilities categorization codes, fund
limitations, or other similar data. Under certain circumstances the reason
for selecting a certain material should be noted in the specifications to
assure inappropriate substitutes are not made.
COMPLETENESS. The P&Es must not overlook their responsibility to clearly
and accurately state the nature of the work to be accomplished. The failure
to convey all aspects of the required work may come from overfamiliarity or
lack of familiarity with the type of work. If they are thoroughly conversant
with the work to be done, they may assume wrongly that a general reference
will be sufficient.
craft with the largest amount of work on a job is usually responsible for
coordinating the work of other supporting P&Es, and the assembling of the
craft phases into a complete job estimate. (See Chapter 3, Estimating
Procedures, Engineered Performance Standards, General Handbook, NAVFAC
P-701.0) Jobs should be assigned to P&Es far enough in advance so they can
estimate the job in time to release it to the shops for securing material and
scheduling of work as programmed on the work input control charts.
ESTIMATING. Estimating is one of the most important Facilities
Management Engineering Division functions. It has greater significance than
the usual limited concept of a dollars-and-cents cost estimate. An estimate
is the informed analysis of all the known elements of the proposed job and the
resulting forecast of the manpower, materials, and related requirements that
will be needed to accomplish the job. The principal purposes of estimating
are to:
Provide a basis for approval, disapproval, or deferment of proposed
b. Provide data for shopload planning and scheduling.
c. Provide a benchmark for evaluating performance of the Maintenance and
Utilities Divisions and their work centers.
d. Provide government estimates to be used in the contracting process.
10. ESTIMATING PROCEDURE. The Work Generation Branch Manager selects jobs
that have been programmed on the job requirements and status chart and
designates the P&E who will be responsible for final job plans and estimates.
a. Scope of Proposed Work. The P&E specifies the work to be
accomplished and which crafts will be involved in the job. A clear and brief
description of the entire job is then entered under the General Job
Description of the Work Authorization/Estimate (Maintenance Management),
NAVFAC Form 11014/22 (Figure S-2).
b. Job Phase Delineation. The job is divided into phases by craft, or
within a craft, when a finer breakdown is required for planning and
scheduling. Then each responsible P&E prepares a Job Phase Calculation Sheet
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