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Proper Vendor Documentation.  Documentation traceable to source
material in question, by Serial Number, Lot Number, etc.
Quality Assurance Documentation.  Quality Control, records, and all
production actions that will provide adequate proof and confidence
that  work  performed  or  material  manufactured  will  perform  as
designed and that there is documentary evidence to this effect.
Quality Control Procedures. The procedures used for supervision and
inspection on the lo& that prevents improper workmanship and/or
materials-from being produced or installed.
Random  Sampling.  The  procedure  used  to  select  items  from  an
inspection lot so that each item in the lot has an equal chance of
being included in the sample.
information,  including
operational and maintenance procedures, that can be used as proof
that the hyperbaric facility has been designed, constructed of the
proper materials, fabricated, assembled, and performance tested in
accordance with acceptable engineering principles.
Re-Entry.  Includes any and all work and testing within the scope
of certification, including penetration of the pressure hull from
the first breaching through final grooming, testing, and return to
final operation.
Re-Entry Control (REC).  Provides positive control of those elements
required to maintain the certification established by the SCA.
Re-Entry Control Procedures.
The procedures used to implement REC
(see Appendix C).
Re-Made Mechanical Joint.
A flanged or union joint that is taken
apart for access or work. Bolt replacement is considered a Re-Made
Joint. Re-Made Joints require 100 percent hydrostatic or operational
test, depending on the specific system requirements.
R e p a i r . A restoration or replacement to the original condition
change  the original design material,
that  does
configuration, or performance, using procedures previously
Replacement-In-Kind  (R-I-K).
R-I-K of a component is defined as
the  identical  component  if  the  identical  component  is  still  in
manufacture.  In the event the identical component is no longer in
meet  a l l the
t h e  replacement
requirements of the original component as follows:

Western Governors University

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