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The design shall be consistent with the Activity's landscape master plan and with the landscaping of the
surrounding area.
Interior Architectural Design
All building projects require Interior Architectural Design as part of the construction bid documents. These
services include program development, architectural finish selections and signage. The extent of these services
shall be defined at the pre-design meeting and shall be provided as outlined in Appendix III. A professional
interior designer shall coordinate these services except in the cases where only exterior architectural finishes and
signage are required. Architectural finish boards shall display all proposed finishes. The architectural finish
boards are used as reference items; they do not replace detailed written documentation required in the
construction bid documents.
For projects where EFA CHES interior designers perform interior architectural design services, the A/E will be
responsible for coordinating and incorporating documentation into the construction bid documents.
Design Criteria
Projects shall be designed in accordance with the current DOD and NAVFAC criteria or designated commercial
criteria when DOD and/or NAVFAC criteria is obsolete or no longer maintained, except when a written waiver is
Current NAVFAC criteria documents are listed in Military Handbook 1000/1A, "Engineering and Design Criteria
and Documentation for Navy Facilities". Air Force criteria publications are listed in "Numerical Index of
Standard and Recurring Air Force Publications". Most NAVFAC criteria documents, as well as industry
publications, are available on the CCB.
CD-ROMs and Microfilm of Government and certain industry documents, standards and specifications may be
viewed in Code 04A6.
The Criteria Coordinator (Code 04A6) at EFA CHES can answer questions regarding criteria and assist in
obtaining or interpreting criteria documents. Suggestions for improving NAVFAC Guide Specifications should
be submitted to:
Officer in Charge
Seabee Logistics Center
4111 San Pedro Street
Port Hueneme, CA 93043-4301
In addition, submit a copy of the suggestion to the EFACHES Criteria Coordinator, Code 04A6
2.8.1 Criteria Application
For all design projects:
MIL-HDBK-1190, "Facility Planning and Design Guide" available on CCB.

Western Governors University

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