- Weight Handling Equipment
- Abstract
- Foreword
- Related Manuals and Industry Standards
- Table of Contents
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Table of Contents -Cont.
- Figures
- Figures -Cont.
- Section 1: Introduction
- Purpose of Related Criteria
- Section 2: Main Crane Types
- Figure 1: Overhead Electric Traveling Crane
- Underrunning Cranes
- Distinctive Features
- Figure 2. Underrunning Crane
- General Description
- Figure 3. Stationary JIB Cranes
- Distinctive Features
- Figure 4. Traveling Wall Cranes
- General Description
- Figure 5. Portal Crane (Older Design)
- Figure 6. Portal Crane (Newer Design)
- Industry Standards
- Figure 7.Floating Crane (Older Design)
- Figure 8.Floating Crane (Newer Design)
- Container Cranes
- General Description
- Figure 9A Container Crane
- Figure 9B Container Crane
- Mobile Cranes
- Figure 10. Mobile Cranes (Wheel-Mounted)
- Figure 10. Mobile Cranes (Track-Mounted)
- Industry Standards
- Figure 12. Cantry Crane
- Figure 13. Semi-Cantry Crane
- Industry Standards -Cont.
- Section 3: Commercial Cranes,Monorail Hoists, and Line Hauling Mechanisms
- Windlasses
- Section 4: Description of Assemblies and Components
- End Trucks and End Ties for OET Cranes
- Bridge Girders for Underrunning Cranes
- Figure 14. Underrunning End Trucks
- Runway Suspension Systems
- Portal and Floating Crane Truss Booms
- Container Crane Booms
- Mobile Crane Fixed Length Booms
- Machinery Decks
- Floating Crane Tub Structures
- Diesel Engine-Electric Generator Set Foundations
- Maintenance Support Items
- Painting and Corrosion Protection
- Paints and Application
- Sheave and Equalizer Bar Frames
- King Pins
- Figure 15. Center Steadiment
- Bent Rail Roller Paths
- Rotate Bearing Mounting
- Figure 16. Three-Row Rotate Bearing
- Travel Truck Equalizers
- Figure 17. Gudgeon Assembly (Inverted T Type)
- Figure 18. Guddeon Assembly (Saddle Type)
- Rocker Pins
- Figure 19. Float Pin
- Figure 20. Float Pin
- Figure 21. Float Pin
- Fasteners and Connections
- Built-Up Hoists
- Commercial Base/Deck Mounted Electric Hoists
- Commercial Underhung Hoists
- Bridge Travel Drives (Suspended)
- Portal and Gantry Travel Drives
- Portal and Floating Crane Rotate Drives
- Definition of Standard Commercial Assemblies and Items
- Planetary Gear and Cycloidal Speed Reducers
- Shafts, Axles, and Pins
- Couplings
- Special Couplings
- Mounted Bearings
- Sheaves
- Wire Rope Drums
- Wire Ropes
- Wire Rope End Fittings
- Shaft Seals
- End Stops
- Spud Locks
- Threaded Fasteners
- Retainer (Snap) Rings
- Figure 22. Carrier Yokes and Travel Assembly
- Brake Wheels
- Painting and Corrosion Protection
- Combination Hydraulic Shoe Brakes
- Caliper Disc Brakes
- Toothed (Clutch) Couplings
- Series-Wound Motor Drives
- Shunt-Wound Motor Drives
- Emergency Dynamic Braking
- Wound-Rotor Motor Drives
- Emergency Dynamic Braking
- Main Diesel Engine-Generator Sets
- Auxiliary Generators
- Auxiliary Diesel Engine-Generator Sets
- Industrial Motors
- Anti-Condensation Heaters
- Insulation
- Electronic Voltage Conversion Units
- Eddy-Current Brakes
- Festooned Conductor Systems
- Motion/Position Limits (for Portal and Floating Cranes)
- Other Portal and Floating Crane Applications
- Motor Branch Circuit Protection
- Transformer Protection
- Pendent Pushbutton Stations
- Master Switches
- Radio Frequency Links
- Figure 23. RF Link
- Grounding Through the Electrification System
- Load Indicating Devices
- Additional Requirements
- Structural Design Loads
- Wind Load
- Acceleration and Deceleration Forces
- Additional Loads on Floating Cranes
- Underrunning Cranes
- Portal Cranes
- Portal Cranes -Cont.
- Floating Cranes
- Container Cranes
- Container Cranes -Cont.
- Mobile Cranes
- Portal Cranes
- Floating Cranes
- Container Cranes
- Gantry and Semi-Gantry Cranes
- Accessibility Provisions
- Accessibility and Maintainability Features
- Accessibility and Maintainability Features -Cont.
- Structural-Mechanical
- Fleeting Sheave Pins
- Locking Nuts
- Maximum Roller Load
- Mounting Fasteners
- Fastener Sizing
- Beaming Method
- Figure 24. Variation of Wheel Load Through a Quadrant of Rotation
- Moment of Inertia Method
- Figure 26. Relative Variation of Corner Load During Full Rotation
- Gudgeon Thrust Washers and Thrust Bearings
- Travel Truck Float
- Figure 27. Portal Crane Truck Float
- Float Pin/Bushing Assemblies
- Figure 28. Cross Section of Assembly (at Maximum Float)
- Pendant End Fittings
- Gear Reducers
- Shafts and Axles
- Travel Drive Shafts
- Bearing Installation
- Keys, Key Seats, and Keyways
- Travel Wheels
- Other Wheel/Rail Combinations
- Size Selection
- Wire Rope End Fittings
- Non-Permanent Wire Rope Retention Hardware
- Overhauling Weight
- Hook Blocks
- Ratchet and Pawl Mechanisms
- Threaded Fasteners
- Hydraulic Systems
- Mechanical Criteria for Brakes -Cont.
- Electrical Criteria for Brakes
- Electrical Criteria for Clutches
- Motor Operating Regimes
- Figure 29. Motor Operating Regimes
- Motor Characteristic Curves
- Figure 30. Characteristics Curves, D.C. Series-Wound Motor 30Hp
- Figure 31. Characteristics Curves, DC Shunt- Wound Motor,30HP
- Figure 32. Characteristics Curves, DC Shunt- Wound Motor,30HP
- Figure 33- Characteristics Curves, AC Squirrel Cage Motor, 5hp
- Figure 34A DC Series-Wound Motor Branch Circuit (Hoist Drive)
- Figure 34B DC Series-Wound Motor Branch Circuit (Hoist Drive)
- Figure 35 DC Series-Wound Motor Branch Circuit (Curved Track Travel Drive)
- Figure 36. DC Series-Wound Motor Branch Circuit (Straight Track Travel Drive)
- Figure 37. DC Shunt -Wound Motor Branch Circuits( Adjustable Voltage Controls,Hoist or Travel Drives)
- Figure 38. DC Compound-Wound Motor Branch Circuit (Curved Track Travel Drive) (Off Position)
- Figure 39. AC Squirrel Cage Motor Branch Circuits
- Sizing and Selection of Components
- Figure 40A AC Wound-Rotor Motor Branch Circuits (Hoist Drive)
- Figure 40B AC Wound-Rotor Motor Branch Circuits (Hoist Drive)
- Figure 41. AC Wound-Rotor Motor Branch Circuit (Travel Drive)
- Figure 41. AC Wound-Rotor Motor Branch Circuit (Travel Drive)
- Figure 43. DC Series-Wound Motor Speed-Torque Curves (Travel Drive)
- Figure 44. DC Shunt-Wound Motor Speed -Torque Curves ( Hoist and Travel Drives)
- Figure 45. Dc Compound-Wound Motor Speed-Torque Curves (Travel Drives)
- Figure 46. AC Squirrel Cage Motor Speed- Torque Curves (Hoist and Travel Drives)
- Figure 47. AC Wound-Rotor Motor Speed-Torque Curves (Hoist Drive, Regenerative Braking)
- Figure 48. Hook Speed -Hook load Curves (AC Wound-Rotor Motor Driven Hoist, with Mechanical Load Brake)
- Figure 49. Hook Speed-Hook Load Curves (AC Wound-Rotor Motor Driven Hoist,with Eddy-Current Brake)
- Diesel Engine-Generator Sets
- Motor-Generator Sets
- Control Equipment
- AC Control Equipment
- DC Control Equipment
- Thyristors
- Rectifiers
- Eddy-Current Brakes
- Pendent Pushbutton Stations
- Cab Control Stations
- Protective Devices
- Conductors
- Electrifications
- Transients and Harmonics Protection
- Radio Frequency Links
- Section 6: Supplementary Requirements and Design Considerations
- Special Purpose Service
- Captivation and Containment
- Hazardous/Explosive Environment
- Hot (Molten) Metal Service
- Hot (Molten) Metal Service -Cont.
- Ordnance/Explosives Handling
- Longshoring Service
- Section 7: Technical Documentation
- Floating Cranes
- Certifications
- Technical Manuals
- Crane Alterations
- Section 8: Foreign Design Standards and Products
- Specialty Components
- Electrical Controls
- Section 9: Crane Information Forms
- Appendix A Overhead Electric Traveling Crane
- Appendix A Overhead Electric Traveling Crane -Cont.
- Appendix A Overhead Electric Traveling Crane -Cont.
- Appendix A Overhead Electric Traveling Crane -Cont.
- K and P are the Wheel Loads Used for Design of Runaway Girders
- Sketch No.2
- Interior Crane Runaway Section (TYP)
- Column and Bracing in Laydown Area (TYP)
- Crane Service Ladder and Platform
- Appendix B Sample Crane Information Form for Underrunning (Single Girder) Crane
- Appendix B Sample Crane Information Form for Underrunning (Single Girder) Crane -Cont.
- Special Requirements
- Instructions for Clearance Sketch and Floor Plan
- Maximum Allowable Load at Runway Track Beam Support Point
- Crane Runway Plan and Sway Brace Locations
- Typical Rail Connection at All Joists
- Runway Transverse and End Bracing/Suspension Details
- Appendix C Sample Crane Information Form for Portal Cranes
- Dimensional Requirements
- Operating Environments
- Sketch No.1
- Dimensions and Design Concept
- Clearance Outline (Including All Float)
- References
- References -Cont.
- References -Cont.
- References -Cont.
- References -Cont.
- References -Cont.
- Standardization Document Improvement Proposal
Weight Handling Equipment
